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Water Regime Projects
A Contract Has Been Signed Between Water Regime (Pvt.) Ltd. And NOVATEX Limited Karachi, For The Treatment Of Their Highly Contaminated Process Wastewater And Its Recycling. The Project Has A Capacity Of 1800 M3/Day.
April 2020, Water Regime (Pvt.) Ltd. has signed a new contract with NOVATEX Limited for the recycling of their highly contaminated industrial waste of their pet resin and preform manufacturing facility at Landhi, Karachi. The project has the capacity of 1800 m3/day.
The wastewater contain Mono Ethyl Glycol & PTA streams also include cooling tower blow-down. The project will produce ultrapure water in resulting of recycling. The wastewater contain high BOD and COD which is about 3000 & 8000 mg/lit respectively.