Solutions | Wastewater treatment

Wastewater Recycling

Wastewater Recycling

Our comprehensive suite of wastewater recycling solutions is designed to address the increasing global demand for sustainable water management. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we provide state-of-the-art systems that ensure the efficient and environmentally responsible treatment of wastewater.

Effluent Water Polishing Plant (Premium Ultra Filteration System)

Our Effluent Water Polishing Plant utilizes cutting-edge Ultra-filtration (UF) technology to achieve unparalleled water purification. This advanced system employs semi-permeable membranes with microscopic pores, effectively removing suspended solids, bacteria, and other contaminants from effluent water. The result is a polished water stream with exceptional clarity and purity, setting the stage for subsequent treatment stages.

Key Features:

Polished Effluent Reverse Osmosis Plant (High Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis)

Building upon the refined output from the Ultra-filtration System, our Polished Effluent – Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant employs the principles of reverse osmosis to further purify water to the highest standards. Through a semi-permeable membrane, this system selectively removes ions, organic molecules, and other impurities, ensuring a final effluent water quality that exceeds regulatory requirements. The RO process guarantees a reliable and efficient means of producing water suitable for a wide range of applications, from industrial processes to potable water.

Key Features:

Membrane Bio Reactor “MBR”

Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technology combines biological treatment processes with membrane filtration, offering a robust solution for wastewater treatment. The MBR system enhances the removal of organic pollutants, suspended solids, and pathogens, ensuring compliance with stringent discharge standards.

Key Features:

Reverse osmosis, water cleaning filter